The San Fermines owe much of its worldwide fame to the great writer Ernest Hemingway, who was truly passionate about this festival, so much that he made it the scene of his masterful novel “The Sun Also Rises”, also known as “Fiesta”.
After him, many travellers have come to see what the fuss was about a “fiesta” that at first sight could seem chaotic, demential and potentially dangerous… And maybe that is the greatest charm of San Fermines: in a Bull run, as in bullfighting, you have got a real enemy to face (well, a real enemy to run ahead of, in any case), and in a world where problems and fears are much more hidden and less tangible -if every bit as menacing- the sense of elation from escaping the danger, and the pure joy of being and feeling alive, is unpayable.
And running with bulls is not the only attraction of the Sanfermines: the great hospitality of the locals, that make everyone feel at home, and the indescriptible ambiance in the streets, along with music, laughter, good food and drinks make the delight of every traveller that decides to visit Pamplona from the 6th to the 14th of July.
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